
Take The Magic Step® is an international organization that promotes slow and gradual lifestyle changes. We work closely with individuals, charities, and corporations that share our belief that healthier habits lead to happier lives. This philosophy has led to Uta becoming a sought after public speaker.

Founded in 2004 by Uta Pippig, the internationally known marathon runner, Take The Magic Step began as an organization through which she could channel her desire to inspire others to help themselves. Over time, it has evolved beyond this Website and her coaching as well as her work with charities into a platform that enables her to also share both her knowledge of body and mind fitness techniques and love of the sport of running with fellow athletes, corporations, and others who want to achieve healthier, happier lives.

In 2008 the Take The Magic Step Foundation was inaugurated to help people in need receive education and achieve both better health and a greater sense of wellbeing. And in 2012 Uta launched her history-inspired speaking series, “Running To Freedom™,” to explore the desire for change and the fundamental tools needed to help you to be the best you can be.

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