Welcome Athletes!
The information in this section is for beginning, intermediate, and advanced athletes who already have some knowledge about—and experience in—fitness and training. The articles are categorized within the five core areas of our philosophy: inspiration, training & exercise, nutrition, yoga, and health maintenance. I hope you can discover ideas on finding inspiration and tips about how you can improve your fitness, prepare for a marathon, build a better running body, and other related topics as well as information on other sports.
Much of this advice was accumulated during my career in running and I hope it will be as beneficial for your fitness and training as it was for mine. I was fortunate to invite friends, colleagues, and coaches who have wonderful knowledge in their respected fields. Furthermore, we have “Running Stories” for you (including information about the World Marathon Majors), and interviews with world-class athletes of all ages who share their secrets of success.
As a result, this Website has information to offer those of you with a special interest in sports and in becoming the best you can be. And I am excited to share our insights about what each of us can do to improve our fitness and overall sense of wellbeing via our Take The Magic Step-Website and Uta’s Insights. I invite you to Take The Magic Step® with me. I hope Uta’s Insights can serve as an additional source of information filled with personal messages and tips. From time to time, I will try to help guide you with suggested reading selections on this Website to assist you in receiving even more value from our library of articles.
- Posted April 22, 2008