Uta’s Running Programs
As a marathoner, I have learned that running 26.2 miles is limited more by the mind than by physical ability.”

Uta offers her Running Programs in which she shows that being relaxed is the key to running with joy and getting closer to the freedom you need for effective fitness and training. In the fun-oriented sessions, Uta explores topics such as running technique or building a stronger running body, and how to maximize your fitness by staying relaxed.
In an individual or group setting, Uta will shed light on achieving a stronger cardio-vascular performance, embracing the concept of periodization, and how to choose the proper next day’s workout. Uta enjoys discussions with the participants during these interactive sessions.
One of her favorite program is the “Running Session—Getting Started” in which she helps beginners to embrace this empowering form of exercise.
These programs can be geared towards different levels from the beginning to the advanced runner, and can be two hours up to a half day depending on the clients’ needs.
You may request additional information by calling (561) 329 3533 or by sending an email to
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