A Message from Uta: With Hope and Thankfulness Into the New Year
Dear Website Visitors!
Many greetings from Colorado. For the new year I would like to share with you a little update and hope you enjoyed relaxing holidays so far, which maybe included long hikes, adventurous runs, and a few sweets — dark chocolate preferably 😊. After all it is time to celebrate, and to let go and reflect with good conversations, meditation, and, of course, fun workouts. I am sure those few extra pounds will be quickly run off again.

This year was different, and I have to admit, as most of us, I needed some adjusting to the situation. Especially because of all the cancelled events which we all so dearly love. Sure, I followed with amazement that many of you persevered and ran in spite of all the restrictions. Even set new PR’s and would not give up. I applaud you for your courage and for your love of our sport. And also, I would like to congratulate Melat Kejeta who broke my 25-year-old half marathon German record this fall. It is wonderful to see all the great results, and it motivates me to keep running too.
That said, due to my involvement with our Take The Magic Step Foundation and our charity partners, I enjoyed a number of fun virtual runs like the one for the Louisa May Alcott Orchard House in support of educational programs in Concord outside of Boston. And other events: the 5K for “Girls on the Run Boston;” the Stiftung “KinderHerz” run in Germany; and the Berliner Paralympic athletes. Coming up is one so close to my heart: “Frido’s New Year’s Home Run”. This virtual event was initiated by marathon mascot Fridolin Frido Flink 😊 in honor of my colleagues of the Berlin Marathon, who I miss very much. They organized with the SCC Events the world record team attempt around the Victory Column in Berlin in September. The exciting experiment was very popular and on that Sunday morning the record was broken. The Boston Marathon team put on a few great competitions, so did the other marathon teams of the World Marathon Majors. Thank you all for keeping us running and entertained.

In this new lockdown world we improvised, endured, and simply stayed fit as much as possible, so when the races with the latest know-how of hygienic measures are back in place, we are ready to compete again and test ourselves. This takes some good planning, and I hope you lined up a few weeks and months of training, with a test run here and there, after some rest from the intensive training periods. Maybe some of you who ran 5 and 10K’s so far are even encouraged to try the half marathon by spring when the lighter and longer days invite us. I wish you good luck and good speed for all your coming running endeavors.
Up here in the Rockies we have sunny and snowy days alternating, and temps below zero Fahrenheit at night. It is still pleasant to be outside during the days, with temps in the 20’s. And the sunsets are quite spectacular. I love those uphill training runs during this time in winter wonderland, and enjoy the nature, the silence. Also it is so pleasant to sit by the fireplace and write my book and the columns for the DIE WELT, and prepare some speaking programs for the time when the book is completed. I try to stay in contact with you via my social media channels, corresponding with friends and business partners. It is so romantic here in the mountains — several deer visit me every day. I rediscovered photography and often cannot wait for the changes of light. Waiting for the “moment to click”… and learning to enjoy the wait. Appreciating endlessness. And being mesmerized by the reflection of light in the mountains.

And as soon as the streets are snow plowed, I am back outside for more winter fun, staying in shape with virtual runs as well. Sometimes I move my training to the weight room, and lately have been focusing again more on stabilization and yoga.
Thank you for traveling this year together with me via my Instagram page, Facebook and Twitter, and here on this Website – especially for all your comments, wonderful feedback, and encouragement. It is a nice way to stay connected and I will keep you updated.
I wish you a good start to the new year with health and promising training, and special times outside running and staying fit. And soon we will run together again!
Runner’s Hugs from your winter running girl…
Uta Pippig aka Pippi Langlauf
Reading Suggestions:
- Uta’s Yoga and Stabilization Guide for a Better Running Technique
- Periods of Training for Your Marathon Preparation and Distance Progression for Your Long Runs
- When I Started Running: Lasting Lessons, Chasing Dreams, and Fond Memories
- Posted December 30, 2020
© Copyright 2020-2024 Uta Pippig and Take The Magic Step®. All Rights Reserved.
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