Uta’s Blog

I Invite YOU to Take The Magic Step® With Me...

Uta’s Blog

Uta's Blog

Thank YOU so much for stopping by.

Uta’s Blog is for all who believe in getting fitter, living longer, and being happier. I hope you enjoy the fitness, health, and training advice as well as inspirational stories and updates of my training, speaking and charity events. I am excited to share these insights and I invite you to Take The Magic Step® with me.



Uta’s Blog Archive


















Recent Insights

December 23, 2011
Warm Wishes for Wonderful Holidays and New Beginnings in 2012

Warm Wishes for Wonderful Holidays and New Beginnings in 2012

It has been a magnificent year filled with exciting days of fitness, training, and challenging goals. Some we may have reached, others we already have added to our list of new aspirations for the upcoming year. We wish you good luck and hope all your dreams come true.

September 22, 2011
Good Luck for Your Fitness, Training, and Running Events This Fall

Good Luck for Your Fitness, Training, and Running Events This Fall

Dear Friends! I hope you can enjoy all the autumn has to offer, including continued fitness, successful training, and exciting upcoming events.

April 26, 2011
Grete Waitz—Role Model, Friend, and Pioneer of Modern Day Women’s Running

Grete Waitz—Role Model, Friend, and Pioneer of Modern Day Women’s Running

A Tribute to Grete. She leaves behind a legacy we will cherish forever.

My tribute to Grete can’t be measured in words, and she will always be in my heart. We will remember her as a most inspiring athlete and person. We admire her for her love of running, her outstanding athletic achievements, and her care for other people. She was our role model, our inspiration.

As a measure of her world-wide stature, the government of Norway is planning a National Tribute for Grete in May. It will be a chance to say “goodbye“ and “thank you“ to the remarkable woman who left us so much.

April 13, 2011
Dear Runners, Are You Prepared for Fantastic Events and Races this Spring? Some Last-Minute Tips for YOU…

Dear Runners, Are You Prepared for Fantastic Events and Races this Spring? Some Last-Minute Tips for YOU…

Dear Friends! I wish you lots of fun with your fitness and training—and for all of you who are participating in one of the upcoming spring running events: here are some suggestions which might help with your last-minute preparation.