Uta’s Blog
I Invite YOU to Take The Magic Step® With Me...
Uta's Blog
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Uta’s Blog is for all who believe in getting fitter, living longer, and being happier. I hope you enjoy the fitness, health, and training advice as well as inspirational stories and updates of my training, speaking and charity events. I am excited to share these insights and I invite you to Take The Magic Step® with me.
Uta’s Blog Archive
Recent Insights

A Personal Message from Uta with Joyful Wishes for A Happiest New Year
A Happiest New Year to YOU! As we look back on an emotional 2013, I more than ever understand how much fitness, training, and care for each other unites us. You have given me boundless joy and inspiration this past year, and I can’t thank you enough for everything!

Yoga for Performancesm: Introduction
Here you can find information on Uta's journey to her current yoga practice.

As Summer Gives Way to Fall …A Personal Message from Uta
Uta looks back on a memorable summer—and ahead to a fall full of promise. She shares her heartbreak over the tragic Colorado floods and her joy in returning to Berlin for the city’s 40th Marathon.

Running To Freedom™
In this history-inspired speaking series, I take you with me through my own journey to freedom as a framework for inspiration to explore the value of freedom and how it can be acknowledged within you so it can become part of YOUR journey to reach your own goals—emotional, physical, or mental—all done one small step at a time.

Green Bay, Wisconsin: A Community Finds Unique Ways to Achieve Health and Wellbeing That Go Far Beyond Its Famous Bellin Run Weekend
On behalf of the entire Take The Magic Step®, I would like to take the opportunity to say Thank You to a remarkable community that has dedicated itself to health and fitness—a unique movement inspired by one of the gems of American road racing.

Running the Marathon of Freedom
This cynical and sinister act of aggression against a peaceful and good-hearted people—runners, friends and spectators—happened during a 26.2-mile race on April 15th in Boston depriving us of our freedom to run on that afternoon. But rather than being weakened, we gained strength from this act of terror. We stood united and vowed to not have our freedom compromised.
Boston Is in My Heart
My thoughts and those of my entire team here at Take The Magic Step go out to the victims and their families. The loving atmosphere of this beautiful race is still too near and dear to me to say more.

Tapering: Maximizing the Remaining Weeks of Training Before Your Marathon
You are finally in your “tapering” period and counting down to the marathon. It is time now to build your “cool focus” by running shorter distances faster. Tapering allows your body and mind to recover properly so that you are the best you can be on YOUR Marathon Day.

Training Advice for the Second Build-Up Period of Your Marathon Preparation
You are almost there—and the upcoming weeks are important in determining how well you run in your race. I hope you can stay focused and take advantage of your training during this second build-up period, with the highest mileage and your longest runs, so you can be best prepared for your marathon.

Listen to Your Body — Stay Healthy and Injury-Free During Your Training
The overall approach of your efforts in training and staying healthy combined with the ability to listen to your body and learning to understand the signs it gives you, will help you to determine the make-up of your next workout and to be the best you can be. But what are those signs our body would like to tell us? And how can we listen cautiously?

First Build-Up Period of Your Marathon Preparation and Ideas for Your Recovery Weeks
Continue to improve your form during your first build-up period to ensure that you will be well-prepared for the second build-up period to reach your full potential in your marathon. I also have included information about your Recovery Weeks with details on mileage and intensity of your long run.

Periods of Training for Your Marathon Preparation and Distance Progression for Your Long Runs
By following the principles of training you will not only enjoy your progress more, you will give yourself a better chance of achieving a good result in your marathon. Please, plan a proper distance progression for your as well.

The Treadmill: An Effective Retreat From Cold and Snowy Days
Involving a treadmill in your training routine is a wonderful strategy when Mother Nature is kicking up a fuss outside. Instead of having to miss a training session, “running on the belt” can save your workout and ultimately reward you with the same good feeling you have after a nice run outside.