Uta’s Blog
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Uta's Blog
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Uta’s Blog is for all who believe in getting fitter, living longer, and being happier. I hope you enjoy the fitness, health, and training advice as well as inspirational stories and updates of my training, speaking and charity events. I am excited to share these insights and I invite you to Take The Magic Step® with me.
Uta’s Blog Archive
Recent Insights

Stay Fit and Healthy During the Holidays
It is time to relax with family and friends and enjoy a most wonderful holiday season. Amid the festivities, will we be able to combine fitness and pleasure? Or is fitness pleasure? However you see it, here are some things I like to do as the year draws to a close.

How to Prevent a Common Cold and Enjoy Your Winter Runs
In this “DIE WELT” column we explore practical tips for preventing the common cold during the winter months when our immune systems might be diminished due to the weather. Keep up with your running schedule by staying healthy and energized.

Cold Autumn Weather? Good Reasons to Run Anyway
In this “DIE WELT” column I share with you the beauty of running in the fall and how to make the most of your training no matter what the weather throws your way.

The Best Ways to Recover after a Marathon
In the days and weeks after your marathon, follow well-tested recovery guidelines to allow your body a full and healthy recovery. In this “DIE WELT” column I share tips on how to get quickly back to running after your race.

Uta Hopes to See You Out on The BMW Berlin Marathon Course
Over 43,000 people will be running through the historic streets of Berlin on Sunday, September 24th, 2017 for the 44th BMW Berlin Marathon. It is a time of joy and celebration for all.

How to Convert Nervousness Into Top Performance
Your final days before the marathon have arrived. Some nervousness might set in. But you can harness this nervousness and use it to your race day advantage. Here are some of Uta’s methods for turning your pre-race anxieties into mental and physical strengths.

Important Tapering to Optimize Final Preparation for Your Marathon
Your tapering period is one of the most important phases of your marathon training. In this “DIE WELT” column I share guidelines I used for my own race preparation to help you run a better marathon.

Conquering the Highest Mileage Phase of Your Marathon Training
The highest mileage training phase is critical to race success. You can develop solid mental and physical behaviors, including proper recovery, which will help you get the most from this important training period.

How to Hydrate Properly on Warm Summer Workout Days
Warm summer workouts require an increased focus on hydration. In this “DIE WELT” column, Uta passes on some hydration guidelines she followed in training and races to win marathons and keep her body in peak running condition.

Running on Warm Summer Training Days
Training in the summer heat means taking some extra precautions to make sure your body does not overheat. If your goal is a marathon, a 5K, or a weekend fun run, here are some tips to keep you cool—and make your training more successful.

A Marathon Record for The World to Watch
Humans love to break records―or enthusiastically watch records be broken. Marathoners are no different. Recently world class athletes attempted to break the 2-hour mark in a carefully orchestrated marathon. It almost happened, and someday it will.

Spring—When Running Dreams Bloom Anew
In this “DIE WELT” column I share some scientific information to explain why spring is so energizing to us; and how to use this colorful time of year to make huge strides—not just in running.

How to Fit Your Running Schedule Into Everyday Life
In this “DIE WELT” column I explore the daily choices we all make that can lead to a lifetime of fitness and good health. From setting specific times for your workouts, to deciding on your running schedule, to including cross-training, these choices can help you to achieve positive change—one small step at a time.

Uta’s 12-Week Training Schedule for Your First 5K
In my fourth column in “DIE WELT” I share a training schedule for your first 5K, suitable for beginners and presented in a gentle, yet goal-oriented way, so you will be able to run five kilometers within three months.

In Just 5K You, Too, Can Become a Runner!
One of the most wonderful things you can do for your wellness is decide to run a 5K, especially a fun run. You can start your training very gently, step-by-step, but soon you will notice better cardio, muscle strength, and energy levels.

How to Set Your Running Goals for the New Year
In this column, I will share with you how the pinpointing of realistic, intermediate goals can help you reach your desired outcomes—whether it is to run a 5K, half marathon or marathon—while continuing to stay motivated.