Late Summer Greetings and a Look Ahead to an Exciting Autumn of Events
Dear Friends,

It is wonderful to be back in Colorado for some fun training in this beautiful late-summer weather. The nights are cooler up here in the mountains and my favorite early evening runs are now more gorgeous than ever, with cool temperatures and stunning sunsets.
I also have found some time to extend my “Running To Freedom” writings, some of which I hope I can share with you during my upcoming events.
When I look back at my trip in July, I have fond memories of joining many of you at the City Night 10K. Oh, what fun it was to run again in downtown Berlin—it was nice to take in the exuberance and atmosphere of the city and the people with my fellow runners.
We had such an exciting time there with my family and friends, the running group of my former Sports Club Blau-Weiß Petershagen, and children from the war-torn area of the Ukraine who were invited to a summer camp by the Kinderhilfe. This wonderful group is one of the charity partners of our Take The Magic Step Foundation and such an impressive and caring charitable organization in my hometown area.

It also was a joy to sprint through the historic Brandenburg Gate for our morning running session—to feel the marathon speed—with some of the entrepreneurs of EO Unlimited who attended the conference where I shared my “Running To Freedom™” seminar.
Now, I am enjoying some relatively quiet time before I start traveling again. First, I will return to Concord, Massachusetts, where I once again will serve as honorary chair of the Annual Benefit Run/Walk for the Louisa May Alcott Orchard House on Sunday, September 13. I am excited at the prospect of connecting with Louisa’s legacy through my “Running To Freedom™” presentation on the following Wednesday to honor the Alcott family and the House Museum. The Orchard House does so much in support of education and physical activity for children and young adults, and the events in Concord will aid their educational programs and the preservation of the historic museum.

I am also looking forward to going to Mystic, Connecticut, home of Johnny Kelley, one of the all-time Boston Marathon legends, to talk to High School students about fitness, their dreams, and their upcoming races and training.
Then later in September, I will be back in Berlin for the marathon and all its festivities. It brings back such fond memories of the Reunification Marathon 25 years ago, when the course went, for the first time, through East and West sections of the city—just three days before the world witnessed the reunification of Germany.
I will post more details about my schedule closer to the event, but here is some initial information: Uta’s Appearances. I will be training with school kids for their mini-Marathon, am invited as a guest on the German TV show “zibb,” and plan to do yoga for runners at the Berlin Marathon Expo. I am also very happy that—with my friend Fridolin “Frido” Flink—I will be able to cheer on the children during their Bambini Run and the 4.195K mini-Berlin Marathon on Saturday, before the actual race for the grown-ups where I will be part of a charity relay. I can’t wait to run with my friends through beautiful Berlin! 🙂

I know many of you are waiting for the re-launch of our Website, and I would like to apologize for its taking so long. While the English site will be up first, the German site will hopefully be live in time for the Berlin Marathon.
I wish you a fabulous end of summer, fun fitness and training sessions, and proper recovery in between each of your hard workouts. And if you need some suggestions for your training, please click here: Training & Exercise.
And for all of you who are going to participate in a marathon or any of the wonderful endurance events this fall, may it be an exciting and memorable life experience for you!
Find further information about Uta and Take The Magic Step on Facebook, go to:
And here is the link to my Twitter account:
- Posted August 29, 2015
© Copyright 2015-2024 by Uta Pippig. All Rights Reserved.
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