Summer Fun in Berlin and the Re-Launch of Our Website
Dear Friends,
What a great first six months of the year it has been! From meeting the Twin City Track Club in North Carolina, to the Bellin Run weekend in Wisconsin, it has been a fun and fitness-filled time.
I fondly remember my visit and our exercise session with the children of the STRIVERS Running Club for Girls in Natick, Massachusetts, and the wonderful Columbine kids in Colorado, as well as the smiles of the children in Green Bay!
Of course, one of the highlights of the year thus far was my trip to Boston where I got to see Team Hoyt and the runners of the Hoyt Foundation. I so enjoyed visiting all my friends again after their long marathon preparation, and guiding the group in another Boston Marathon. Boston remains so dear to my heart. There, I was able to see many fellow runners, my friends of the B.A.A. organization, and that special team of the Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge.

I would also like to let you know that I am so excited to be in Germany for the next month to see my family, my running buddies, and to present Running To Freedom™ at the EO Unlimited Berlin 2015 conference at the beginning of July. I look forward to joining this beautiful and thought-provoking event, and to share my experiences—some of which are tied to the historical times 25 years ago after the Berlin Wall came down. I will be together with the group in a city I love dearly and that has so many different historical faces and has endured many challenges. Here is my upcoming schedule: Uta’s Appearances.
I also look forward to enjoying the summer in Berlin, and running on my favorite trails throughout the city and its surrounding area and making a happy leap from time to time…
During my trip, I will update you through social media, understanding that many of you are biking, hiking, or running on summer trails as well, while you are preparing for one of the beautiful marathon events in autumn or getting reading for other fitness endeavors you may have.
And soon, the exciting Re-Launch of our new social media friendly Website will be taking place. I will let you know when it‘s up and running! Here is a little preview of the new layout.
So I wish you a beautiful summer. May the sunshine be with you, and the warm breezes help you in your activities!
Check out the latest updates about Running To Freedom™ on Facebook:
And find further information about Uta and Take The Magic Step on Facebook as well:
Here is the link to my Twitter account:
- Posted June 27, 2015
© Copyright 2015-2024 by Uta Pippig. All Rights Reserved.
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